Parents’ Association Wraps up Another Successful Year with Celebratory Year-End Breakfast 

Parents’ Association Wraps up Another Successful Year with Celebratory Year-End Breakfast 

On a beautiful spring morning, parents and guardians gathered in Founders Hall on Wednesday, May 17, 2023, for the last official GSB Parents’ Association event of the year: The Year End Breakfast Celebration. 

Guests enjoyed morning refreshments and casual conversation before moving into the Verdile Dining Room for presentations. Event Co-Chairs Kate Khazraei and Melissa Toledo kicked off the morning’s speeches with a warm welcome and an unexpected surprise: four delightful door prizes.  

Head of School Sid Rowell spoke to the group next, highlighting the importance of volunteering both to our school community as a whole and to our individual students. He concluded his remarks by extending a sincere thank you to outgoing PA President Sacha Marcucci, pointing out her strong leadership style and applauding her commitment and dedication. 

Sacha then took her last turn at the front of the room, thanking her Parents Association Executive Committee team and all the chairs of each activity and event throughout the year.  

“The PA would not be able to do all the things we do without the support of the Development Office, Communications Office, and fellow parent volunteers that always show up to support Gill St. Bernard’s,” Sacha commented. 

The culmination of that support was evident when Sacha reported on the PA Allocations made possible for each division, including a Lower School Play Sensory Table, Middle School Indoor Game Equipment and an Upper School Visiting Author. See the complete list of allocations here

Guest enjoyed a fun photo collage video of all the behind-the-scenes action from the year, before Sacha welcomed incoming Parents’ Association President Lauren Salko to the podium and passed over the microphone. 

Lauren began her remarks by thanking Sacha, commenting that “Your leadership has been incredible by always creating and encouraging great energy at our GSB events.”  

She went on to remind everyone to save the date for the Parents’ Association’s Welcome Breakfast on September 14, 2023, and she encouraged everyone to join one of the many committees and to partake in the magic that happens in bringing an idea to life. 

Please see our photo gallery, below, for memories from the day, and you can enjoy the slideshow from the event here

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