The Quest for the (Im)perfect Apple

The Quest for the (Im)perfect Apple

While second graders traveled to the apple orchards in pursuit of the perfect apple, they discovered something unexpected along the way.

GSB Farm Manager Ned Lincoln joined Ms. Abbett and Ms. Tuohy’s classes this week to introduce Lower School students to the orchards, provide fun facts about apples, and answer student questions. Mr. Lincoln explained that GSB has over 100 apple trees on campus and grows several varieties of apples.

"Our 2nd graders are learning about the GSB campus, the working farm we have here, and how to appreciate nature,” commented 2nd Grade Teacher, Meowset Abbett. “They learned from Mr. Lincoln when apples are harvested, how many trees we have in the GSB orchard, and how to correctly pick an apple! Students got to take their apples home to enjoy."

After some last-minute tips on the proper technique to pluck their apples, students scurried through the orchard to select three fruits of their choosing. At the end of the period, students compared their batches in a friendly competition to see who found the “perfect apple.”

Noticing a teaching opportunity, Mr. Lincoln gathered the classes to remind students that while they might be familiar with the shiny, “perfect” apples that are displayed in the supermarket, there are thousands of apple varieties that are found in nature in all types of colors, shapes, and sizes. In fact, some of the apples that don’t make it to the supermarket aisle can be even more delicious. A few bumps, bruises, or even an occasional worm, doesn’t stop them from being perfect just the way they are.

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