A Legacy of Kindness: The Mitten Tree at Gill St. Bernard’s  

A Legacy of Kindness: The Mitten Tree at Gill St. Bernard’s  

Gill St. Bernard’s Kindergarteners completed their long-standing Mitten Tree tradition today, by counting all the mittens, hats, gloves, and scarves collected during their annual mitten drive.  

The lesson began when Early Childhood Teacher Diane Lipnicky’s students read and studied The Mitten Tree, a book by Candace Christiansen about the value in doing something for someone else even if no one finds out about it.  

Inspired by the story, the Kindergarteners eagerly hung each item donated on the tree, watching with joy as their collection grew.  

In the end, the students collected 51 hats, 14 scarves, and 130 mittens and gloves, which will be donated to the Feeding Hands Food Distribution Center in Hillsborough, NJ. These donations will provide comfort to families in need during the coldest months, and as a result of our generous community, 195 people will be warm tonight. 

When asked how helping others made them feel, Emma S said it made her feel “Warm,” Emma D said it made her “Heart Happy,” and Julia said it made her feel “Good.” 

This cherished tradition has been a cornerstone of the Lower School experience for more than a decade, teaching students the timeless lesson of compassion and selflessness. The annual tradition connects beautifully with the Lower School’s virtue for January, Kindness, and our school’s Core Value of Integrity, which includes doing the right thing, even if no one is watching. 

Thank you to everyone who has kept this wonderful tradition alive and to our Kindergarteners who have shown that even the smallest of us have the power to make a difference. This act of kindness reminds us all that no matter our age, we have the power to spread warmth and joy in our community. 

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