STREAMS is our signature LS to MS transition science program. STREAMS (sustainability, technology, research, engineering, agriculture, math, and service) extends traditional coursework in science with fieldwork that respectfully utilizes the land that surrounds us.

The diverse natural phenomena that are visible on our campus help to guide our explorations. The garden and tree nursery lead to explorations about forestry and sustainability. The ponds and two streams lead to watershed studies and water quality research. The topography of the land leads to measurements and mapmaking. The school buildings and Home Winds Farm lead to discussions in land use and human impacts. The farm and garden lead to explorations in agriculture and service. We use mathematics to count eggs, calculate yields, examine trends, and weigh fleeces. Our campus becomes our natural laboratory and part of a working landscape where students examine how the world works and how to be responsible stewards of the Earth. Students learn to “notice, think, and wonder” while documenting observations in their science notebooks. 

Essential Questions Explored

  • What is sustainability?
  • What does it mean to be a citizen scientist?
  • What impact does the changing global climate have on local flora and fauna?
  • Where does my food come from?

Major Objectives

  • Conducting biological analysis of various species on campus
  • Cultivating environmental and community stewardship
  • Developing an explorer mindset
  • Implementing inquiry skills while studying local environments
  • Practicing critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration
  • Understanding topics of sustainability like composting, food waste, and pollutants

Recent STREAMS Projects

• Selecting desirable traits in chickens, incubating egg, and raising chicks

• Trout in the Classroom with Trout Unlimited

• Measuring sheared wool of sheep at Home Winds Farm

• Measuring the density of seeds in the GSB garden

• Studying access to clean water and designing water filters

• Researching natural and sustainable practices to eliminate invasive species

• Tracking local and migrating bird populations for Cornell Lab of Ornithology citizen science project

• Maple tapping and monitoring maple sap yields

• Examining the structure, function, and relationship of plants and pollinators

• Studying topography and elevation of campus

Home Winds Farm

Learn more about our living, breathing, outdoor classroom.

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GSB welcomes applications from students who demonstrate academic potential and who are deemed likely to benefit from and contribute to the GSB community.

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