Head of School Retirement & Search

With deep appreciation for his unwavering dedication to Gill St. Bernard's School, the Board of Trustees shares the following retirement announcement of Head of School Sid Rowell P '08, '14 to take place at the conclusion of the 2024-25 academic year.

A Message from Head of School, Sid Rowell

April 4, 2024

Dear Gill Friends and Family,

When I first set foot on the campus of Gill St. Bernard's in January of 2001, I felt an instant connection, one that has only grown stronger over the years. This special place is filled with learning, laughter, and life; it is a unique school, unlike any other.

Since that auspicious beginning, my love for the school has only grown. It has been a privilege and an honor to serve our students, teachers, parents, and alumni as Head of School. My only goal each day has been to help our wonderful school become an even better one.

Success has many mothers and fathers, while failure is an orphan. All that has been accomplished here during the past few decades is the result of the hard work, talents, and contributions of so many, led by the Board of Trustees and the five Board Chairs with whom I have been privileged to serve. In addition, I am especially grateful for my colleagues over the years, who have given so much of themselves to our students. Gill St. Bernard's is truly a community of teachers and students, all of whom are learners.

A few years ago, Doug Matthews and I started a conversation about my plans and the topic of retirement. After all, I began my career as a teacher and coach at a small New England boarding and day school back in 1979. After a great deal of thought and prayer, I have decided that the 2024-25 academic year will be my last. By sharing this decision now, the Trustees will have ample time to facilitate a positive and effective transition. Please know that my commitment to GSB will not waver in the coming months, and that I will do all I can to move our school forward. There are many exciting things happening at GSB, and the search for my successor will only further that excitement for the future.

Again, my thanks to the members and leaders of the Board for all that they have done for Gill St. Bernard's and for me. May the life of our school go on from strength to strength, and always have its place in the world.

Kind regards,


Position Description

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Head of School Search: Frequently Asked Questions

Search Committee

  • Rajiv De Silva P '21, '25, Chair, Board of Trustees and Chair, Search Committee
  • Liz Fucci P '17, Secretary, Board of Trustees
  • Matt Harding '81, Treasurer, Board of Trustees
  • Dr. Haresh Kane P '29, '34, Trustee
  • Emily Maillet Kellogg P '29, Chair, Committee on Trustees
  • Antoinette Segreto P '32, '32, Trustee
  • Frank Corrado, P '26, '28, '28 Mathematics, Middle School Faculty
  • Dr. Manuel Hercules P '25, '30, '36, Chair, Math Department, Upper School Faculty
  • Diane Lipnickey, Early Childhood Team Leader, Lower School Faculty